The 2024 graduation ceremony of Continuing Education at Champlain College Saint-Lambert took place on June 11th. More than 250 parents, friends, teachers, and staff members of the College attended to honour the 88 graduates from the 2023-2024 cohort.

In total, 308 individuals from Continuing Education received their Attestation of College Studies (AEC) or Diploma of College Studies (DEC) for the 2023-2024 year.

Mark Wallace, the Director of Continuing Education, gave a speech on the theme of the importance of personal motivation to pursue education.

Each present graduate received their diploma from the hands of the pedagogical counsellor responsible for their program amidst the applause of the crowd.

Three awards, each accompanied by a scholarship, were given out during the ceremony. Here are the recipients:

  • Tony Maciocia Award: Kari-Ann Jacob, Special Care Counselling AEC (Pictured)
  • Perseverance Award (Union of Professionals): Sabrina Porco, Special Care Counselling AEC
  • Celebration of Learning Award (Support Staff Union): Andrew Alarie, Computer Science Technology DEC.

Don Shewan, Constituent College Director of Champlain Saint-Lambert, after an inspiring speech, invited all the children present to come up on stage to congratulate the graduates. A very touching moment!

Congratulations to all the 2023-2024 Continuing Education graduates and best of luck in your careers!