English Exit Exam
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What is the English Exit Exam?
The English Exit Exam, is a Ministerial Examination of College English. The exam is a four-hour examination that takes place in May, December, and August.
If you began your program after the Fall 2023 semester, you must hold a Certificate of English Eligibility (COE) to write the English Exit exam. All other students must write the l’épreuve uniforme de français (EUF).
When am I eligible to write the Exam?
Students who have completed the 101, 102 and 103 English courses are eligible to write the Exam. Students who have completed two of these courses (101 and 102 or 103) and are currently in the process of completing the third (102 or 103) are also eligible. Whether or not you have completed the B-block English course has no bearing on your eligibility to write the Exam.
Will I receive notification if I have to write the Exam? Do I have to register for the Exam?
If you are eligible to write the Exam, you will receive a MIO three weeks before the Exam to inform you of the date, time and location.
I meet the criteria to write the Exam, but I didn’t receive any information. What should I do?
You must contact the Registrar’s Office in room F-103 or by phone at 450-672-7360 ext. 3256.
I am scheduled to write the Exam. What happens if I don’t write it?
Students who do not write the Exam on their scheduled date are not penalized. However, you will not graduate until you have passed the exam. This may have an effect on your admission to university.
When and where does the exam take place?
The Exam takes place three times a year: in May, August and December. The dates are determined by the Ministry. Champlain College cannot under any circumstances change the date or time of the exam. Students who miss the exam must write it on the next date when it is offered.
Are special measures available to students requiring adapted support?
The Student Access Centre will take care of registering the students who have provided their IEP to the department directly.
Can I re-write the exam if I fail?
Yes, you can re-write the exam as many times as necessary until you pass it.
If I fail the exam, will I automatically be re-registered to re-write it?
No. You must contact the Registrar’s Office in room F-103 or by phone at 450-672-7360 ext. 3256.
How can I prepare for the exam?
Champlain holds info sessions prior to the May and December exam dates; you will be informed of the date and time in the same message as your invitation to write the exam.
Can I go to university if I don’t pass the exam?
You must pass the exam in order to obtain your DEC. Please contact Academic Advising if you have questions regarding language examination eligibility and university requirements.
How is the exam graded?
The Exam is graded on three criteria: comprehension and insight; organization of response; and expression. You must score at least a C on all three criteria in order to pass the exam. The final exam grade is pass/fail.
When will I receive my grade? Where will my grade appear?
Your final grade (pass/fail) will be available on your Omnivox account approximately six weeks after you write the Exam. It will also appear on your transcript. The full marks (i.e. the letter grades for each marking criteria) will be mailed to you at a later date.
Please note: Students who fail the Exam (even multiple times) will have the results of each attempt printed on their transcript.