Find the Perfect Program For You

Universities offering degrees in programs including arts, commerce, communications, computer science, dentistry, education, engineering, law, marine biology, medicine, physics, and psychology require specific courses and a successfully completed DEC from an accredited cégep for admission to their programs. Students intending to attend university are advised by the College to pursue pre-university studies at Champlain College Saint-Lambert. Meeting with an Academic Advisor will ensure that they are completing the necessary studies to assure entrance in the university program of their choice.

Computer Science & Mathematics

Turn your skills, interests and passion for computers and technology into an exciting base for academic studies.

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Science – Health or Pure & Applied

Students have the opportunity to study scientific problems the way professional scientists do.

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Law and Civilization (with or without math)

Explore ideas in the areas of law, history, philosophy, religion, social sciences and mathematics.

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Language & Culture

Develop communicative skills in Spanish and Italian and learn about the complexities of cultural traditions.

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Digital Arts & New Media

Sharpen your technical abilities, develop critical understanding of visual culture and develop your creative voice.

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Film & New Media

Master the fundamentals of writing, shooting, recording sound, and editing for multi-media platforms.

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General Studies in Social Science (with or without math)

This program allows students the greatest amount of flexibility when selecting social science courses.

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International Studies Profile in Social Science

Develop the ability to communicate in and about an international context.

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Psychology Profile in Social Science

The field of psychology investigates the mysteries of the human mind and resulting behaviour.

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Commerce/World Commerce Profile in Social Science

The first stepping-stone to obtaining a Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Economics degree.

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Education Profile in Social Science

This option offers students a firm grounding in several social science disciplines relevant to education.

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Criminology Profile in Social Science

Ideal for students wanting to explore studies in anthropology, criminology, psychology or sociology.

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