Sexual Violence Support

Champlain College Saint Lambert is committed to providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all our students, staff and faculty members. As part of the Quebec government’s Bill 151: An Act to prevent and fight sexual violence in higher education institutions, we have adopted a stand-alone Policy against Sexual Violence which you can find here.

Through the policy and procedures, it is the college’s duty to ensure that anyone impacted by sexual violence or assault will be able to access appropriate and timely resources and to provide a fair process for responding to and investigating any allegations of sexual violence.

Support and Resources

Our social worker works closely with the counselling department and administration to ensure that all our students are listened to and supported during any situation related to the Policy against Sexual Violence. Acting as the college’s Resource Person for students, any student can meet with her to disclose a situation, file a complaint, and/or receive accommodations as needed. If required, the resource person can accompany students throughout the whole process and help lessen any further trauma that may occur.

To make an appointment please MIO Bouny Te or make an appointment through the Student Services office in F-121. All services are free and confidential.

Resource Person for Students:

Bouny Te, MSW

Social Worker

Student Services F-135


Resource for Staff and Faculty:

Human Resources

450-672-7360 ext. 3378

How to Submit an Internal Complaint

Champlain Saint-Lambert has partnered with a company called ALIAS to help manage any internal complaints or reports. With ALIAS as a partner, they will be the first line of response to manage reports and ensure they are followed up on.

It is quick and easy to make an ALIAS report:
• Reports can be made online via a secure platform or by phone (1-844-264-6268).
• The service is bilingual and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
in French and English.
• Users have access at all times to their file, which they can add to, ask
or answer questions, find out the status of their report, all while maintaining their anonymity.

Once a report is made by a student, teacher or staff member, ALIAS’s team
will help direct the complaint to the right college body and guide the user through the process. The College administration hopes that by partnering with a third party, complainants will feel more comfortable coming forward to make official statements and identify situations that require investigation.

Additional Resources On and Off Campus



Counselling Support MIO Student Services or Call 450-672-7360 ext. 3355

Campus Security 450-672-7360 ext.3210

Nurse Joanne Poirier 450-672-7360 ext. 3247

Champlain Student Association (CSA) F-118



CSSS Pierre-Boucher Hospital 450-468-8111

Sexual Assault Provincial Helpline (24/7) 1-888-933-9007 or 514-933-9007 in Montreal

Montreal Sexual Assault Centre 514-934-4504

CAVAC (Crime Victims Assistance) 1-888-670-3401

La Traversée Sexual Violence Support (South Shore) 450-465-5263


Inter-Ligne LGBTQ+ Help Line 514-866-0103


Tel-Jeunes 1-800-263-2266

*If you are in immediate danger call 911

Educational Material

Want to learn more? We have compiled a list of resources and videos on consent, being an active bystander and other issues to help you understand the prevalence of sexual violence and how you can help end it.
